Vitamin E for high testosterone and LH sensitivity

Do you have low testosterone but normal LH?

That’s likely due to testicular resistance to LH. Meaning, the Leydig cells are no longer responding to your LH, thus testosterone remains low.

One of the biggest reasons for this is oxidative stress and inflammation. Anything that induces damage to the body and Leydig cells can induce LH resistance.

Here’s how vitamin E can help.

Hans here! I increased my testosterone to 1254ng/dl and have been maintaining high T naturally. I’ve turned myself into an Alpha Energy Male.

An Alpha Energy Male with high energy, fast recovery, high sex drive, and confidence.

This is why I research obsessively, experiment and write, and have been doing so for the past decade.

Hope you enjoy and join me on this journey.

Why vitamin E is important

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that is very important in steroidogenesis, and at the same time, it keeps unwanted hormones such as prolactin and estrogen low. It also plays a vital part in making intense exercise possible as well as developing the muscles you want.

Vitamin E accumulates in endocrine organs where it protects against inflammation and enhances its action.

The pituitary gland, kidney, and liver size are significantly decreased in vit E deficient animals.

It has powerful antioxidant properties that boost immunity and are effective against cancer, aging, arthritis and cataracts. It protects cells, glands (thyroid, gonads, adrenals, pituitary, hypothalamus) and organs (such as the brain, etc) from oxidative damage. It also has neuroprotective benefits.

It’s now shown that up to 93% of adults are deficient in this vitamin.

There are 8 different types of vitamin E namely alpha (α), beta (β), gamma (γ) and delta (δ)-tocopherols (TP) and alpha, beta, gamma and delta-tocotrienols (T3); all of them are referred to as vitamin E. The TPs are the saturated form and the T3s are the unsaturated form.

Tocotrienols exhibit antioxidant, antiproliferative, anti-survival (tumor and cancer cells), pro-apoptotic (cell death of tumors and cancer cells), anti-angiogenic, and anti-inflammatory activities (R). Tocotrienols have been found to exhibit superior antioxidant activity over tocopherols.

However, the body prefers alpha-tocopherol above the rest, as the other forms are excreted at higher levels through the urine. This doesn’t mean the other forms are not important, the body’s need for them is just smaller. However, your body does need all 8 of them.

I visualize this vitamin as if it coats everything, keeping it in a sphere, optimizing what’s inside the sphere and just keeping everything running perfectly and smoothly.

Vitamin E on testosterone

Vitamin E was initially discovered in 1938 as a “fertility factor”.

As vitamin E is an antioxidant, it lowers oxidative stress (caused by free radicals) and therefore impacts hormones (testosterone and DHT) levels positively, by protecting them.

It’s also required for normal testicular function, aiding in steroidogenesis and increasing LH receptor sensitivity (R, R).

Giving men 483mg (721IU) of vitamin E acetate decreased LH and increased testosterone. LH decreased from 16.3 to 15.2, which indicated enhanced Leydig cell sensitivity to LH. Testosterone increased by 128.1ng/dl (from 416.4 to 544.5ng/dl). Not bad.

Additionally, they found that vitamin E dramatically enhanced the response to HCG. When giving me HCG without vitamin E, testosterone only increased mildly. However, adding vitamin E dramatically improved the response (R).

  • Before vit E: T increased from 415.5 to 609.2 ng/dl on the 4th day of the HCG test
  • After vit E: T increased from 552.7 on the first day to 1015.7 ng/dl on the fourth day of HCG test

They also found that cAMP was significantly lower in vitamin E deficient Leydig cells. cAMP stimulates StAR (transport cholesterol into the Leydig cells) and enzyme P450scc, which convert cholesterol to pregnenolone (the first steroid). All of which leads to higher levels of testosterone.

Vitamin E on prolactin

Vitamin E is able to lower prolactin. 300mg (448IU)/day of vitamin E supplementation for 8 weeks lowers prolactin significantly in uremic patients with kidney disease and only minimally in normal men (as their prolactin was already in the normal range) (R).

Vitamin E on estrogen

Vitamin E is an estrogen receptor antagonist and it also blocks the aromatase. 2500mg vitamin E is needed to antagonize estrogen by 65% (R).

Nutrient interactions

Before supplementing, first see if you need it, and if you have the necessary co-factors. Vitamin E is synergistic and antagonistic with various nutrients and can improve or worsen certain conditions.

Vitamin E synergists: Sodium (do it might be problematic if you have high blood pressure)

Vitamin E antagonists: Vitamin A, K (only at high doses each) and iron (reduces iron absorption)

Supplements and dosing

The highest sources of vitamin E are wheat germ oil, eggs, animal fat and bone marrow.

Two products I recommend:

As vitamin E binds to free radicals, it ‘deactivates’ them and then the vitamin E is “used up” and oxidized. However, vitamin C and selenium help to recycle vitamin E.

All in all, vitamin E will provide better muscle growth, androgen levels, produce a more intense workout, a better pump and a stronger immunity with a healthy overall body.

I like to call vitamin E the equilibrium vitamin as it’s involved in keeping things running smoothly and optimally.

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I’ve increased my testosterone to 1254ng/dl naturally: Here’s my Step-by-Step Guide on How I Do It Naturally!

9 thoughts on “Vitamin E for high testosterone and LH sensitivity”

  1. Great article, thank you.

    I’d look for Vitamin E products to suggest with less Alpha Tocopherol. Alpha depletes Gamma and Beta tocopherol where most of the estrogen and steroidogenesis benefits are seen. At the moment Jarrow Gamma E seems to be the best option. However, I don’t know how much Beta Tocopherol it contains.

    • Thanks for the positive feedback, Greg.
      Palm oil seems to have a fair amount of beta-tocopherol compared to other oils. Soy bean oil has the highest gamma content. Health natura has a very pure soy bean oil product. You can check it out via this link:
      Alpha-tocopherol is hormonally active and most effectively lowers prolactin and estrogen while boosting steroidogenesis. The other tocopherols don’t seem to have that benefit. Alpha-tocopherol only depletes the gamma tocopherol if high amounts of it is taken in isolation. For that reason I would use wheat germ extract, which contains the natural balance of tocopherols and are high in alpha tocopherol, which would have the most beneficial effect on your hormones and physique, as well as provide enough gamma-tocopherol to quench free radicals and lipid peroxides and prevent oxidative stress and inflammation.

      • Thanks great reply. I think I made have got my information about prolactin, estrogen, and steroidogenisis from a bunk source. Which is a goal of mine, so thanks for correcting that. I also am interested in Gamma for its nitric oxide radical quenching purposes. I’m focusing more on E after having my gallbladder removed and suspect my fat absorption is lousy. But, I don’t seem to feel well on oxbile or digestive enzymes…the health obsession continues!

      • Lysine and methylene blue reduce excess nitric oxide and will also help reduce the toxic effect of NO.
        Eating a low PUFA diet will help to keep lipid peroxides and oxidative stress low in the first place. Hope this helps you a bit more.

  2. I read about hight dosage of vitamin e (400iu-1000iu) can increase death rate by 22%. I want to lower prolactin levels, is 1000iu really high? If I will use 1000iu, how will I take vitamin e to lower prolactin while minimizing the increase of death rate?

    • 400IU is effective at lowering prolactin and 800IU is most effective against estrogen. I don’t think you have to go higher than that. What studies show that vit E increases death rate? Of all things, it should improve health, reduce risk of death and extend lifespan.

  3. Is it possible that Vitamin E can kill my libido? i´m thinking that due to increased Progesterone relative to Androgens. Thanks

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